Made with ๐Ÿ’š in San Francisco CA - ยฉ2021 Better Belly, Inc. -
Better Belly Logo


After multiple doctor visits, a lot of allergy tests, and trying every single diet fad out there, it dawned on me: There's nothing wrong with me. I just have to eat and live better. But, the tips and tricks that seemed to work for some of my friends, created painful flareups and discomfort for me. And the diet trends that made some people lose weight and feel energized drained me and made me gain it.A companion that grows and learns with meI realized that I needed to learn about what's good and healthy for my body. Not for everyone else. And that's what has led me on the path to start Better Belly. A companion that grows and learns with me and empowers me to take back control of how I feel. A companion that will make me, you, and us feel better.

Aleksander, Founder



We Believe

We deserve to live a better and happier life. A life where we can go to sleep and wake up without feeling pain. A life where we are in control of how we feel and how we look, not the other way around. We deserve to live a life in balance. A better life. Our mission is to help chart this path. To build the tools for you to do this. To give the guidance for you to know how. A life where you take control, one food entry at a time. And feel better one day at a time.


You're not alone

Food companies are honing in and profiting from our bad health habits. Everything from marketing, flavor, cost, and ease of access has made living healthier harder than ever! And we suffer as a result. We want to change that. We want to turn around this sad trend, by empowering everybody to take control of their health and life.


Be a healthier you.

Made with ๐Ÿ’š in San Francisco CA - ยฉ2021 Better Belly, Inc. -

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